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How To Fix A Clogged Dryer Vent Exhaust

Has This Happened To You?

Do you have to run multiple drying cycles to turn your damp load of laundry into clean, dry clothes? No one likes damp clothes, but the solution lies in your clogged dryer vent exhaust.

A blocked dryer vent causes more than the need to run your dryer twice. It can also lead to higher energy costs and a greater risk of a house fire.

In the United States, it costs around 45 cents to dry a load of laundry in an electric dryer, but having to run your dryer twice can potentially double this cost. Think back to how many times you run your dryer a month, then double that. How much money could that cost you? How many times have you run the risk of a house fire as a result?

House fires are a major concern for all homeowners. The National Fire Protection Association’s data shows that close to 17,000 house fires were caused by clogged dryer vents

However, fixing this problem is easy. In this article, you’ll learn::

  • How to check if your dryer vent is clogged
  • What a blockage means for you and your home
  • How to fix a clogged dryer exhaust
  • And more!

How Do I Know If My Dryer Vent Is Clogged?

A lint or a dust blockage in your dryer can appear in a few different ways, and it’s important to know the signs to avoid fire hazards in your home:

Running Your Dryer Creates A Burning Smell

Duct blockages in dryer vents can cause a burning smell as lint is singed or even burned within the dryer duct. If you smell this while drying your clothes or after,it’s extremely important to get your dryer vent cleaned as soon as possible. 

Lint Accumulation In And Around The Dryer

Lint within or outside the lint trap is a great indicator that your vent is clogged or backed up. Lint is not only pushed back into the dryer, but it is also released into the air, which can cause difficulty breathing and other allergy problems. 

Extreme Lint Buildup in the Dryer’s Lint Screen

Lint buildup in the dryer screen can cause a minor fire risk, so make sure to clean out your screen. Dryer Vent Superheroes recommends that you clean your lint trap at least every three to four loads.

How Do I Check My Dryer Vent For Lint?

Checking your dryer vent isn’t as easy as checking the lint screen. Dryer Vent Superheroes uses professional tools to check for dryer vent blockage. In the meantime, you can always find where your dryer vent exits on the exterior of your home (link to something that we make for this) and look inside with a flashlight.

However, it’s best left to the professionals to give you an accurate picture of what your dryer vent looks like. Our franchisees use (insert what we use and a picture) that can reach through just about every dryer vent run out there.

Can I Clean My Dryer Vent With Household Tools?

Cleaning your dryer vent with household tools is not recommended. Nearly all consumer-grade dryer vent cleaning kits are cheap and will break off in your dryer vent, leading to even more blockages and a higher risk of a fire. These household tools, which typically contain plastic, can become extremely hot within the dryer vent pipe and melt or catch fire. 

Does Dryer Vent Cleaning Change If I Have An Electric Or Gas Dryer?

While there is no difference in the cleaning technique or time, a clogged dryer vent with a gas dryer can lead to carbon-monoxide getting trapped in the gas line. Like electric dryers, gas dryer vents should be cleaned regularly to protect against carbon-monoxide buildup.

What Happens If Your Dryer Vent Is Blocked?

If you’ve smelled, seen or found a blockage of lint or other debris in your dryer vent, it’s time to get your dryer vent cleaned. Clogged dryer exhaust and ducts shouldn’t be ignored, as you’re costing yourself not only money, but also peace of mind for the safety of your home.

If your dryer vent is clogged, you’ll feel hot air from your laundry room. This air is even hotter within the dryer vent and can ignite the trapped lint and start a house fire. As mentioned earlier, clogged dryer vents are one of the leading causes of house fires in the nation, with nearly 17,000 home fires attributed towards the dryer vent.

The Benefits Of Cleaning Your Dryer Vent Duct

Getting your dryer vent duct has many benefits for your home and wallet.The service pays for itself over a year, with potential savings of up to $270 dollars in energy costs. Dryer Vent Superheroes’ service starts at $159 per cleaning and goes up to $249 depending on where the vent exits. Even at the highest cost, you’re still saving on energy costs for your home.

Aside from energy costs, you also save yourself time. By getting your dryer vent cleaned, the amount of time it takes to dry your clothes is much lower. Instead of running your dryer two or even three times to fully dry a load of laundry, you will only have to run the cycle one time! Lastly, you can gain peace of mind, knowing that a major fire risk won’t be an issue for you anymore.

How Do I Get My Dryer Vent Cleaned?

Homeowners shouldn’t wait to clean the dryer vent in your home. Dryer Vent Superheroes franchisees are licensed and trained with professional tools to ensure that your dryer vent is cleaned effectively. Save money on electricity costs, and protect your home today. Find a Dryer Vent Superheroes location here to get your dryer vent cleaned as soon as possible!