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How Dryer Vent Inspections Work

What to expect from your next dryer vent cleaning

Dryer Vent Superheroes’ mission is to help protect you from home fires by ensuring the safe and efficient operation of your dryer vent systems. Our comprehensive inspections allow Dryer Vent Superheroes to identify any fire, safety, or health hazards that are present due to obstructions, improper vent construction, or non-code-compliant materials.

Our Visual Inspection Includes:

  • Vent lines
  • Lint traps
  • Joint connections
  • Termination point
  • Washer hoses

Dryer lint is the most common source of dryer fire ignition. Approximately 17,500 reported dryer fires occur every year resulting in approximately 34 deaths, 430 injuries, and more than $209 million in property damages. Lack of cleaning, improper vent materials, or poor dryer vent installation can cause excess lint build-up, making dryer vent inspections extremely important. Leading appliance manufacturers recommend once a year of professional inspection and cleaning of dryer vents to remove lint build-up and ensure proper airflow.

Our experienced and professional technicians know that each household is unique, as is the dryer vent system within. Dryer vents should be routinely inspected to ensure secure joint connections, identify any excess lint build-up, and help prevent fires by removing potential hazards. Our thorough inspections also allow Dryer Vent Superheroes to identify the extent of any dryer vent issues and provide the best solutions for your home or business. We inspect the vent line, lint trap, joint connections, termination point, and washing machine hoses. Following your inspection, you will be provided a written estimate based upon the diagnostic inspection and walk you through the services needed to keep your home safe.

Schedule a Consultation Today

Ready to contact your local Dryer Vent Superheroes and get your vent inspected and cleaned today? While we offer fixed pricing on our vent cleanings, we also offer complimentary consultations to get our technicians in front of your vents to perform inspections or take measurements for vent repair. Find your local Dryer Vent Superhero from our locations page here!